I’m officially starting my journey into aquaponics.
I’ve been following a few different people. Such as Friendly Aquaponics, who does a raft based system and commercial farming. However, the investment is just to great for me to get that serious. I do plan on expanding, but for now I just need to get started and learn by doing.
For now I’ll be utilizing Murray Hallam’s method using IBC totes and media beds. I’m pretty excited. I’ll be posting progress updates here on my blog and I hope anyone with questions will just ask.
For now let’s move onto some pictures about my progress.

IBC’s Loaded up for a trip to the car wash

Ready for cleaning at the Car Wash

The water is coming out clear.
Cleaning these up worked out well however, once I cut them up I’m definitely going to have to do some more hands on scrubbing. It’s hard to get into the totes in this state and they are going to need some more cleaning.
When I get ready for the next stage I’ll post more pictures.
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