A couple months ago we bought a tractor. We just needed something larger to be able to take care of the 10 acres we live on. It’s a 1947 Ford 8N.
An oldie but a goodie.
Unfortunately, I’m not that skilled at driving tractors. I thought I could pull a pole out of the ground with it. But I hooked it up on the back and too high and just flipped it. Doh
Well here we are about a month later and I’m still paying for that mistake. I had it all fixed up but when I tried to mow the steering wheel snapped off.

I’ve stripped down the tractor yet again this time to access the broken steering column you can see here
Finally it’s back running and ready to work on the homestead. I’m hoping this is the last time it’ll be broken for a while.
As you can see in the background of the last picture, the next project is all prepped up and ready for some attention.
Well quick update. The very next night I was mowing and I can tell I did something wrong with the new steering shaft. I need to take it apart again. Additionally the tractor no longer starts. Not good.