We had the opportunity to continue finishing up the Chicken Coop. We still aren’t completely finished but we have one door cut so on nice days they can come out.
There is one problem: They don’t want to come out. HAHA. Ashley says that the reason they don’t want to come out is because the coop is too nice. I built a mansion and they don’t have any reason to leave.
We had to bait them out and about 5 came out and ran around for a few hours in the afternoon while it was nice.
We still don’t have nest boxes, and I need to finish the windows and get them more places to hide from hawks for sure. They should start laying eggs as it continues to warm up and get more daylight hours so I need to finish the laying boxes.
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You can use cardboard boxes with straw in them for nesting boxes if you need them quickly. Any type of box, put on it’s side and filled with straw, will work. Also, make sure the nesting boxes are lower than their roosts or they’ll sleep in the boxes and poop in there = dirty eggs. We learned that one the hard way.
Thanks Melinda, I never thought of that. The chickens aren’t laying just yet, we’ve been so cold and lacking light I think it’s keeping them from laying. However with the snow and everything else it’s been keeping me from getting things done also. I’ll definitely keep this in mind if I can’t get the nest boxes going in the next week or two.